Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lace Tights


Lace Tights are an amazing trend at the moment. Everywhere I look, I see girls donning different colored net tights with different patterns, especially vertical ones that show off how long their legs are. These remind me of the time period with flappers. Just so you know, my favorite colors for these are: white, black, gray, and purple (for bolder purposes ;D). Wear them preferably with a skirt or a dress. Shorts are okay but be careful of the consequences. :O

Off the shelves:

Religious Bracelets


This fad is a complete mystery to me and I'm not sure if it's only happening in my area but these sorts of religiousy looking bracelets are worn by a lot of people lately. And while "Religious Bracelets" is probably not the right terminology, I didn't know what else to call them because that's exactly what they look like. P.S. though, they don't necessarily have religious pictures on them but they look the same otherwise. But it's somewhat settled down now and it's not so much a rage anymore but I just thought it made an interesting post...

Off the shelves: