Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mukluk Boots


Mukluk boots are those extraordinarily furry boots that at first looks like Bigfoot's feet. But lately, it's come into style and it is absolutely adorable with its winter babe feel.

Off the shelf:
Mukluk (straight from the source):

How to wear 'em:
1. Typically they're worn with jeans. These boots are made for the winter season so wearing them with shorts or a dress doesn't make too much sense. But....

2. Leggings work too. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010



At the beginning of 2010, rompers came into style but now, it's more of a love-hate relationship. You either love it or you hate it, so its popularity depends on personal preference. Not too many people wear it nowadays because it's a little bit more on the risky side of fashion. There are so many types of rompers out there and some of them just make you question why while others make you think, "I like it but can I really wear it out?"
So if you decide to go for rompers, wearing them is pretty simple. They stand pretty much by themselves as they are pretty much the entire outfit. But of course, little things like throwing on a jacket or some jewelry doesn't hurt.

Off the Shelves:

Military Fashion


Off the Shelves:

How to wear 'em:
3. I found this jacket a while back and fell in love with it. It's still on sale in Delia's (for now). The link to it is above. I love how the model wore this jacket, with the shorts and leggings.



Blazers became trendy starting in early 2010, I believe. These guys gave you an awesome business look with some feminine touches. Usually, it is worn with the sleeve rolled up to show the material underneath. It looks great with pretty much anything.

Off the shelves:



Whether it be vest cardigans or those drapery vests that I've been seeing everywhere, vests are very popular lately. They can add a little something something to a plain top and they come in so many styles.

Off the shelves:

How to wear 'em:
1. With a plain shirt inside, wear a vest with a bold, bright color or interesting design that'll grab attention. Finish the outfit with a pair of jeans or leggings.
2. Wear a belt outside of an open vest. You can wear a shirt inside too, with or without the belt.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Destroyed Jeans


Destroyed jeans has been in style since a very very long time. I'm only putting it in the 2009 file because 2009 is as early is I go. There's really no way to say how to wear these because there's just so many styles that these jeans go for. I'll just show some pictures.

Off the shelves: